Col. Walter R. Bruyere III


American (Morristown, New Jersey)


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2020/03/31 image taken in collection storage for social media
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2024/08/22, image from 2024/08/22 edited in photoshop for database and collections online portal
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
Image 2023/01/13, edited onto white background for database and exhibit purposes
Image 2020/02/04, edited onto white background for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2017/08/17-taken in Millions exhibition, port side, brighten up
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2019/04/11 image taken in collection storage for database and the education department
2019/04/11 image taken in collection storage for database and the education department
2021/06/01 image photoshop for online use
Image 2020/02/04, edited onto white background for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database
2020/02/04 image taken in collection storage for database