Adam Weingärtner


German/American (New York, New York)

Adam Weingärtner was German-American artist and lithographer active in New York in the middle of the 19th century. Weingärtner was born in Darmstad, Germany. He partnered with fellow Darmstad-born lithographer Louis Nagel (1818-1870) creating the firm "Nagel and Weingärtner". The firm remained active until 1856, advertising as the only firm in New York to use lithographic techniques developed by one of the most renowned French photographer, lithographer, and printer of the 19th century, Rose-Joseph Lemercier (1803-1887). Weingärtner served in the American Civil War (1861-1865) and became a US citizen in 1874. 


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2020/06/09, scanned in office for database
2020/06/09, scanned in office for database
2020/06/09, scanned in office for database
2020/05/26 item scanned in the office for database
2020/06/09, scanned in office for database
2020/06/09, scanned in office for database
2020/06/09, scanned in office for database
2020/06/09, scanned in office for database
2020/06/09, scanned in office for database