Clipper Cards

Clipper cards, sometimes called clipper ship sailing cards, are a unique type of advertising ephemera. Clipper cards are a specific type of trade card that advertised the shipping trade between the ports of New York and Boston to San Francisco from the 1850s to 1860s during the California Gold rush and the Civil War. Many vessels made the same trip, and with so much competition, shipping lines were desperate to find ways to stand out. Along with providing basic information like the ship’s name, destination, captain, and pier, clipper cards were designed to be eye-catching in order to attract prospective passengers and merchants looking to ship cargo. As you can see, clipper cards often feature colorful and bold designs, sometimes with illustrations inspired by the name of the ship represented. 

Clipper cards are now rare and much prized by collectors, both for their historical significance and for their typographical interest. The Seaport Museum owns 450 of these special pieces of ephemera.


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