Tanna Kasimir-Hoernes


German (Graz, Austria)

Painter, etcher, and graphic designer Johanna (Tanna) Hoernes was born in Graz, Austria. She studied at the School for Women and Girls with Ludwig Michalek and at the Vienna Academy of Art with Wilhelm Unger, where she met her future husband, Luigi Kasimir (1881-1962). They were married in 1911 and worked collaboratively to develop the revolutionary technique of color etching. Each produced a substantial body of work, consisting largely of views based on their worldwide travels. 

Tanna brought her previous artistic expertise and knowledge of painting to the plates she made. In this, she created her own etching style apart from Luigi’s, breaking new ground within the world of woman artists in printmaking. Her work is highly prized for its exacting detail and realistic depiction of both the notable architectural subjects and natural landscapes that she and her husband observed in their travels.

Disclaimer note: Luigi Kasimir joined the National Democratic Socialist Party (Nazi Party) in 1933. Kasimir also joined the Sturmabteilung (or Storm Troopers/Brown Shirts), an illegal paramilitary force that greatly aided Adolf Hitler's rise to power. 


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2022/02/17 taken in storage for database, recto
2022/01/28 taken in storage for database, recto