Charles Howland Hammatt Billings


American (Boston, Massachusetts)

Hammatt Billings was an architect who began his draughtsman career in the early 1840s as chief illustrator of the popular weekly, Gleason's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion. In 1850 he designed a masthead (magazine at the head of the front page) for Boston-based abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison's newspaper, The Liberator, including a slave auction on the left, a scene of emancipation on the right, and a central circle in which Christ stands triumphant between a kneeling slave and a fleeing slaveholder. For Uncle Tom's Cabin Billings used existing antislavery iconography and established conventions of fine art paintings.

Artist profile image: Old-Time New England, Vol. LXII, No. 3, January-March 1972.


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