Jules-Abel Faivre


French (Lyon, France; Paris, France)

Born in 1867 in Lyon, Jules-Abel Faivre studied at the Lyon Fine Arts School, and at the Fine Arts School of Paris. Painter, portraitist, poster artist, illustrator and caricaturist, he was above all famous for his humor drawings where he depicted the medical community and the bourgeoisie. He was a caricaturist for Le Rire and Le Figaro

In 1900, during the Universal Exhibition, he received a honorable mention and was decorated Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur in 1906. His reputation was mainly acquired during World War I when he created propaganda posters which encouraged French people to support war effort. He became a founding member of the committee of the Salon des humoristes in 1907 where he exhibited several times after the war. 


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2019/04/05 scanned in collections office for database, front cover.